In the Apiary


RB beestands

A beestand for everyone ! 

RB® beestands are durables and fonctionals.
The galvanized steel legs are retractable for a quick use. In the folded position, they fit into the hives size and so don't bother you during transhumances.  Their blocking is made by the weight of the hives, it is safe and immediate. To be able to level your beestand is an advantage, especially to feed your bees.
Used since 1987 for our hives, our beestands are adaptable to the landscape, even on steep slopes, you will be able to work at the right height. Strong and all-terrain, our beestands make your work and transhumance easier. You can lift them with an hydraulic crane or a loader/forklift depending on the beestand model.
All in galvanized steel or mixed steel-wood, for 2, 3, 4 hives in a row or square or even for 6 hives that you can entirely dismantled for hand transhumance, our beestands adapt to you .  

We manufacturate on your dimensions, every products are custom made. 

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