Follow your beehives more closely and rely on these data to develop your hive collection towards an average production per hive that satisfies you!
ApiTracer - an app for pros
A complete application for data collection in apiaries. Scan your harvests, your changes of queens, your transhumance, your overwintering and your losses very easily and quickly. You can also consult the information recorded during the seasons or previous one. It is always synchronized with your website, you won't lose any information.
ApiTracer Pro set
A weighing table fitted to your extraction line to weigh and record quickly all the data into your system.
A space for reflection
Thanks to your personal session you can configure your preferences, manage your apiaries, hives, supers and strains, consult your statistics, and your rankings.
* Barcode labels on each hive and each super. Learn more
* Know and enter the average tare weight of your supers* Internet in honey house is recommended
The ApiTracer solution will allow you to increase your average production or guide your queen selection and breeding program without wasting time!